3 Main Problems with Your Sleep

3 main problems with sleep

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Sleep is one of the most beneficial things we can do for our bodies, but a lot of us lack the ability to sleep successfully. Sometimes it’s easy to fall asleep but difficult to stay asleep, or once you finally fall asleep, you can stay asleep, but it takes hours actually to get to sleep.

Some people find themselves waking up throughout the night to use the bathroom or have interrupted sleep which is just as bad for you as not sleeping at all.

This blog will go over the three primary problems with sleep in detail, why they are bad for you, and how at USA Medical, we have pinpointed exactly how to target these issues to ensure you get a proper night’s rest for a healthier you.

The 3 Main Problems With Sleep 

Falling Asleep

A problem plaguing most Americans today is the ability to fall asleep quickly or efficiently. This can be due to a number of underlying reasons, such as:

  • Stress and Anxiety: High levels of stress and anxiety can make it difficult to quiet your mind and take a physical toll on your sleep health.
  • Poor Sleep Hygiene: Not having a proper bedtime routine can throw off your sleep; things like eating heavy meals right before bed or exercising right before bed all affect your sleep hygiene.
  • Electronic Devices: Blue light emitted from laptops and phones right before bed can decrease the production of melatonin in your body which is a naturally occurring hormone crucial for allowing your body to fall asleep.

These are just a few of the most common examples of why you might have trouble falling asleep when it’s bedtime. Thinking about ways to change or incorporate better sleep habits into your routine can drastically help with falling asleep easier.

Staying Asleep

Now that you are finally asleep, the next struggle that you have to deal with is staying asleep throughout the entire night. Staying asleep throughout the entire night is crucial to your overall health because it allows your body to hit all of the stages of the sleep cycle.

The sleep cycle occurs in two phases Non-Rapid Eye Movement (NREM) sleep and Rapid Eye Movement (REM) sleep. It is incredibly important to make sure you are getting both NREM and REM sleep every single night so your body can go through the processes it needs to ensure you stay healthy.

Disrupting any of these sleep cycle stages by getting up or not being able to stay asleep through the entire night will automatically reset your sleep cycle because your body now thinks you are awake.

This is detrimental to you because now you are not getting a “full night” or full cycle of sleep which can cause a variety of different health problems.

Waking Up Refreshed 

This final problem of the three that a lot of people struggle with ties together with the last issue of staying asleep throughout the entire night. If you cannot stay asleep, then you will not wake up feeling refreshed, energized, and ready for the day.

Not waking up recharged from your sleep can cause drowsiness, depression, anxiety and impair your cognitive function all the following day.

It’s important that you don’t experience any of these three main issues with sleep. Luckily, at USA Medical, we have come up with three science-backed solutions to improve all of these areas that might need improvement to ensure you get the best sleep you possibly can.

Science-Backed Solutions


CBD oil is an incredible solution to help you fall asleep fast. It works with your body to start winding down and is able to decrease any stress or anxiety that may be preventing you from falling asleep. Some of the other incredible effects of taking CBD include:

  • Pain Relief: CBD can act quickly to target pain that may be preventing you from falling asleep.
  • Sedative Effects: CBD is a non-intoxicating cannabinoid that can relax your body incredibly effectively and is much safer than any over-the-counter sleep medication you can buy.
  • Anxiety Relief: Taking CBD before bed can relieve symptoms of anxiety that could be lingering in your body in a physical manifestation, making you tense and unable to relax.

CBD Capsules

CBD capsules can contribute to keeping you asleep throughout the night due to their long-lasting effects and convenient ease of use. Here’s why CBD capsules can be beneficial for promoting sustained sleep:

  • Extended Release: CBD capsules are designed to release the CBD gradually over time. This sustained release can help maintain a consistent level of CBD in the body throughout the night, which can reduce the potential of waking up during the night.
  • Relaxation and Calm: CBD is known for its relaxing effects on the body, taking CBD capsules before bed, will promote relaxation as they release throughout the night, which can lead to less tossing and turning and reduce the chance of waking up.
  • Pain Relief: Taking CBD capsules is able to help with any pain or discomfort you may be experiencing that is preventing a restful night of full sleep with no interruptions.

Magnesium Glycinate

The final solution to ensuring you have the best sleep of your life every single night is magnesium glycinate. Magnesium is responsible for over 300 different enzymatic reactions in your body, and a lot of those have to deal with your sleep health.

Taking magnesium before bed can not only promote a restful night of sleep but will also recharge your brain and body, making waking up something to look forward to, here are some of the top benefits of taking magnesium to wake up feeling refreshed:

  • Cellular Regeneration: One of the best benefits of taking magnesium glycinate is its ability to regenerate your cells when you sleep. Think of it as flushing out bad toxins from your cells and replacing those toxins with energy. This leads to waking up feeling refreshed and well-rested.
  • Muscle Relaxation: Magnesium glycinate plays a key role in muscle relaxation, which can reduce tension and stiffness, allowing your body to relax completely without pain or discomfort from tight muscles.
  • Circadian Rhythm Regulation: Magnesium glycinate has been shown to regulate your body’s circadian rhythm or internal clock. This will help your body to maintain a more consistent sleep schedule that is uninterrupted.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products/services are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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