What is CBD and CBG Oil good for?
CBG vs. CBD 101

CBG and CBD might be the best holistic health duo! They work together to improve every system in your body, from immune and nervous function to brain and mental health – CBG and CBD help with it all.
Here’s a 101 guide for everything you need to know regarding what is CBD good for and what is CBG good for.
What are CBD and CBG?
Both the CBD cannabinoid and CBG cannabinoid are found in hemp plants.
A cannabinoid is a communication molecule that tells a particular system within your body to do something. For example, a popular endocannabinoid (a cannabinoid made by your body), is called anandamide.
Anandamide was named after the Sanskrit word for bliss, as it causes your brain to produce more serotonin, oxytocin, and dopamine, as well as GABA and other neurological chemicals.
When you take CBD, which mimics anandamide, you’re taking a phytocannabinoid (a cannabinoid made by plants) to help communicate to your brain and body that it’s time to relax, relieve inflammation, and reduce pain.
CBD and CBG work together as holistic medicine, offering your body a way to not only relieve the symptoms of pain, inflammation, brain fog, stress, and anxiety, but heal the systems creating those symptoms, and improve your health for the long term.
At USA Medical, we believe in USDA organic power. All of our CBD and CBG come from broad-spectrum hemp, not full-spectrum cannabis, to keep you safe from THC, while still giving you nature’s best broad-spectrum CBD and CBG.
What Are the Benefits of CBG and CBD?
What Is the Endocannabinoid System?
Cannabinoids, receptors, and enzymes. (Oh my!)
The endocannabinoid system, or ECS for short, is a communication network within every living organism. You have one, your dogs have one, even bunnies have an endocannabinoid system, which means CBD and CBG benefits far more than just humans!
Our CBD for pets is popular to help pets relieve pain, reduce anxiety, and feel their best. That’s because within everybody’s endocannabinoid system are three important components:
- Endogenous cannabinoids: These are cannabinoids made by your body, like anandamide. Cannabinoids are communication molecules, so your body needs to make endocannabinoids to communicate between systems. If you stub your toe, your brain needs to know about it, and endocannabinoids do that job.
- Receptors: Receptors are what CBG and CBD bind to. You have receptors called CB1 and CB2 receptors throughout your brain and body, which are directly responsible for pain and inflammation. When you take CBG and CBD, it communicates to these receptors to relieve inflammation and reduce pain.
- Enzymes: Your ECS enzymes are the cleanup crew responsible for making sure your entire body stays detoxified. These enzymes are powerful for removing old endocannabinoids from your body and phytocannabinoids, like CBD and CBG, after they’ve been used.
Your ECS is in control of every other system, from appetite and temperature to immune function and blood pressure control, which means taking CBG and CBD not only helps with what you need help with, but it helps everything else.
This research from the NCBI shows CBD can induce apoptosis, which is the pre-programmed death of cancer cells.
This research from the NCBI shows that CBG is a great way to treat obesity and other metabolic conditions.
CBG research is ongoing, but what we know currently is using CBG and CBD have such far-reaching effects on the human body because of their ability to heal the endocannabinoid system.
Benefits of CBD Oil (CBD Benefits)
While there are many benefits currently being researched about both CBD and CBG, we only want to share what the research proves.
Here’s what is CBD and some of the known benefits of CBD oil:
- Deeper sleep: This research shows that CBD is an incredible tool to combat insomnia of all kinds. Whether you struggle to fall asleep or stay asleep, CBD can help you get deeper sleep and wake up feeling more rested.
- Reduce stress: CBD is shown in this research to reduce stress by modulating cortisol within your body, which is the stress hormone.
- Relieve anxiety: CBD is known to relieve anxiety based on this research, as it can improve neurotransmitter production like GABA, serotonin, and oxytocin.
While there are considerably more benefits to using CBD oil, these are the currently research-backed and proven ways for what is CBD good for and how can CBD help you!
Benefits of CBG Oil (CBG Benefits)
Much like CBD, the CBG cannabinoid has tons of benefits currently being researched.
For now, here’s what is CBG good for and the what CBG research shows:
- Pain relief: This research shows CBG is an incredible pain reliever and long-term solution to chronic pain management.
- Inflammation relief: Beyond simple pain relief, CBG is a wildly powerful anti-inflammatory and helps relieve inflammation everywhere from your brain to your gut. This can improve conditions like brain fog, IBD, IBS, and Crohn’s.
- Alzheimer’s and dementia: New research shows both CBG and CBD have the potential to combat neurological conditions like Alzheimer’s and dementia by improving neurotransmitter production, relieving inflammation, and helping your brain to heal.
While there are many more benefits that come from a healthy brain and body, this is just the beginning of what does CBG do.
From glaucoma to high blood pressure, CBG and CBD can help your body fight against illness and depression. Get you back to feeling your best again.
How to Use CBD and CBG Oil
Using CBD and CBG oil is incredibly simple, as they can be used both orally and topically.
The best way to use CBD and CBG is by taking a dose orally, known as the sublingual method, and also placing a small dose on your body wherever you need relief.
What Is the Sublingual Method?
The sublingual method is a simple way to take CBD and CBG oil under your tongue.
Your body has endocannabinoid receptors under your tongue, which means CBD and CBG can quickly bind to those receptors and get to work within your body without having to go through your digestive tract.
In fact, CBD and CBG are not stable enough to withstand your stomach acid. So, once you swallow them, they stop looking like themselves. It’s for that reason that it’s imperative you take CBD and CBG sublingually under your tongue and use it topically so that it can absorb into your body without ever touching your stomach acid.
Step-by-Step Guide: Using CBD and CBG
Once you have your CBD and CBG oil tincture, you can follow this guide to get the most out of it:
- Step one: Shake your CBD and CBG oil tincture.
- Step two: Withdraw the oil into the graduated glass dropper.
- Step three: Dispense the oil under your tongue.
- Step four: While you let the oil absorb for two to five minutes, dispense another amount of oil onto your body wherever you need relief.
- Next step: Rub the oil into your body.
- Last step: Swallow the oil and relax as the CBG and CBD get to work.
If you follow the steps in this simple guide, you will get the most out of your CBD and CBG oil and experience all the benefits that they have to offer. If you have questions about your CBD and CBG oil usage, feel free to contact us and we’ll happily answer all of your cannabinoid questions.
How Much CBD and CBG Should I Take?
While everybody needs different dosages of CBD and CBG, you can be confident knowing that a dose between 50 and 100 milligrams is perfect.
CBG and CBD have a bit of a reverse tolerance effect where you need more at the start and less as time goes on to feel the effects. That’s because as you use them, they heal your body’s endocannabinoid system, which means you’ll need less and less as your body becomes more and more healthy.
Beginners should start with a dose of 50 milligrams and see how they feel.
This is easily achievable with one full ML dose of our full-strength CBG oil, which contains exactly 50 milligrams of both CBD and CBG. No matter how experienced you are with cannabinoid usage, our full-strength CBG and CBD oil is the perfect way to get exactly the right amount of CBG and CBD into your body to experience the healing benefits.
USA Medical's Money-Back Guarantee
We’re so confident that you’ll love our CBG and CBD oil that we offer a money-back guarantee. Here’s how it works:
3,000 milligram CBG Oil Money-Back Guarantee: Feel noticeably better after one full dose (one mL of full-strength CBG oil) or return it for your money back.
3,000 milligram CBD Oil Money-Back Guarantee: Sleep noticeably better after one full dose (one mL of full-strength CBD oil) or return it for your money back.
We guarantee no other company is offering this money-back guarantee as they don’t sell the same premium lab-certified CBD benefits and CBG benefits that we do.
No other company can claim their CBG and CBD are as good as ours without the same money-back guarantee.
At USA Medical, you literally have nothing to lose, as you are guaranteed to feel better with CBG and CBD than you ever have before. Visit our CBG and CBD product pages to learn more about this money-back guarantee and why USA Medical CBG and CBD is the best decision you’ll ever make.
Some CBD benefits include deeper sleep, more relaxation, and less stress. However, CBD vs CBG benefits are huge!
The answer to whats CBG good for is simple – CBG is good for everything! From pain and inflammation to energy and focus, CBG can help.
For anyone asking: ‘what does CBG do?’ CBG is a powerful anti-inflammatory and an incredidlbe way to protect your brain and body from damage.
In the debate of CBD vs CBG, let’s define the difference between the CBD cannabinoid and CBG cannabinoid.
Whats CBD: The CBD meaning is for sleep, relaxation, and rest.
Whats CBG: The CBG meaning is for relief, energy, and focus.
The CBG definition or scientific name is cannabigerol, as CBG stands for cannabigerol. However, CBG what does it do is relieves pain, inflammation, and brain fog.
NO, CBG does not get you stoned, as there is no THC in our USA Medical CBG Oil.
What is CBG Oil if not a 100% safe, easy way to relieve pain and inflammation?
The CBG definition is cannabigerol, but CBD and CBG both stand for relief, relaxation, and total health improvement. So what does CBG do for you? It heals your brain and body!
To answer what is CBG cannabinoid, The CBG cannabinoid is the stem cell of cannabis (and hemp). It’s the first step in understanding what is CBG weed – CBG and THC, and every other cannabinoid all come from the same place, but CBG is the mother of it all.
To understand CBG vs CBD, you just need to know CBG stands for cannabigerol and CBD stands for cannabidiol.
CBG flower effects and CBG tincture effects are the same: inflammation relief.
So, CBG what does it do other than powerfully relieve inflammation in your brain and body?
No! You can use a CBG for inflammation and pain relief as the answer to what is cannabigerol (what is CBG) is an all-natural anti-inflammatory.
A CBG tincture is a CBG cannabinoid dissolved in a carrier oil (like hemp seed oil) and offered to you in a glass ‘tincture’ with a glass dropper. The answer to what is CBG vs CBD is it’s just the difference between the CBG cannabinoid and CBD cannabinoid in a CBG tincture or CBD tincture.
The main CBG meaning is relief. Both CBG vs CBD for anxiety work great, but CBG is primarily for inflammation and pain relief.
This is the main answer to what is CBG vs CBD – CBD is better for anxiety, CBG is better for pain.
Yes, both CBD CBG are appetite suppressants and can help relieve hunger symptoms. A CBG appetite suppressant can help keep your mind off food!
The CBG flower effects and CBG tincture effects are the same. So whether you smoke CBG or take is sublingually (under your tongue) you’re sure to get fast-acting pain relief!
However, CBG and THC might not mix well, and we recommend avoiding them together.
What does CBG stand for? Pain and inflammation relief.
What does CBD stand for? Deeper sleep and anxiety relief.
The main difference between CBD and CBG is what type of relief you get, so that’s why we combine CBD CBG in our USA Mecical CBG Oil products.
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