Ep. 8 with Trevor Maloney – Folic Acid & High Blood Pressure

Table of Contents

In this edition of our podcast, we are thrilled to welcome Trevor Maloney, an executive performance coach and close friend of Jake’s.

We dive into crucial topics like the differences between folic acid and folate, understanding high blood pressure, and the process of methylation. This blog aims to unpack these complex topics, providing valuable insights and practical tips for a healthier life.

Folic Acid vs. Folate: What You Need to Know

Understanding the difference between folic acid and folate is essential for making informed dietary choices.

  • Definition and Sources: Jake explains that while both are forms of Vitamin B9, folate is the natural form found in foods, whereas folic acid is the synthetic version used in supplements and fortified foods.
  • Health Implications: The body processes folate more easily than folic acid, which can have health implications, especially during pregnancy.

Jake and Trevor emphasize the importance of opting for natural sources of folate, such as leafy greens, to ensure optimal health benefits.

Tackling High Blood Pressure Through Lifestyle Changes

High blood pressure is a common health concern that can be effectively managed with lifestyle modifications.

  • Diet and Exercise: Trevor highlights the role of a balanced diet and regular exercise in regulating blood pressure.
  • Stress Management: He also discusses the impact of stress on blood pressure and recommends strategies like meditation and mindfulness to alleviate stress.

Trevor’s advice underlines that managing high blood pressure is often within our control through healthy lifestyle choices.

Methylation: A Key Biological Process

Methylation is a critical process in the body, playing a role in various health aspects.

  • Understanding Methylation: Jake describes methylation as a process that affects DNA repair, gene expression, and the detoxification process.
  • Impact on Health: He elaborates on how impaired methylation can lead to health issues and the importance of nutrients like B vitamins in supporting this process.

Jake’s insights into methylation provide a deeper understanding of its significance in maintaining overall health.

Conclusion: Empowering Your Health Journey

This podcast episode with Trevor Maloney offers a wealth of knowledge on key health topics. By understanding the nuances of nutrition and body processes like methylation, we can make more informed choices about our health.

We highly encourage you to listen to the full episode to dive deeper into these subjects and gather more expert insights.


These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products/services are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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