CBD Oil and Dementia: What You Need to Know?

By Jake Crossman (CNC-NASM), Nutrition Specialist; Holistic Health Coach; Managing Partner, USA Medical

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Dementia is a collection of related symptoms that occur when the brain is damaged or affected by an illness. It causes a gradual decline in memory, thinking, and behavior, which negatively impacts a person’s ability to perform daily activities. Alzheimer’s disease is the most common type of dementia, accounting for 60-80% of dementia cases.

Stages of Dementia

Most often, dementia progresses and gets worse over time, although it varies for each person. However, people typically experience the following stages of dementia:

  • Mild Cognitive Impairment: Forgetfulness, difficulty recalling words, and short-term memory problems.
  • Mild Dementia: Symptoms include short-term memory issues, personality changes such as anger or depression, and difficulties with complex tasks or problem-solving.
  • Moderate Dementia: The person may require assistance from a family member or caregiver. Judgment becomes increasingly impaired, confusion and frustration worsen, and assistance is needed for tasks like dressing and bathing.
  • Severe Dementia: In this stage, the person is unable to maintain bodily functions, including walking, and eventually loses the ability to speak and control their bladder. Communication becomes impossible.

Risk Factors for Late-Onset Dementia

Several factors contribute to the development of dementia. Age is a significant risk factor, particularly after the age of 65. However, dementia is not a normal part of aging and can occur in younger individuals as well.

  • Having a family history of dementia increases the risk of developing the disease.
  • Many individuals with Down syndrome develop early-onset Alzheimer’s disease as they reach middle age.
  • Conditions like diabetes, untreated strokes, and certain infections such as meningitis and syphilis can also worsen the chances of developing dementia.
  • Smoking, unhealthy eating habits, lack of exercise, and excessive alcohol consumption are all risk factors for dementia.

Signs of Dementia

People with dementia experience difficulties in thinking and memory that affect their daily lives. It’s important to pay attention to these signs:

  • Problems with short-term memory, such as forgetting where they put something or asking the same question repeatedly.
  • Communication problems, like struggling to find the right words to express themselves.
  • Getting lost, even on familiar routes.
  • Difficulties with complex tasks they used to be able to do, such as cooking or paying bills.

Treating Dementia

In addition to medication, non-drug therapies are also used to alleviate the symptoms of dementia. Some of the most well-known ones are:

Occupational therapy. Occupational therapists are special healthcare professionals who can help a person with dementia learn to safely perform tasks like walking, cooking, and driving.

Modifying your environment. Reducing clutter and noise can make it easier for individuals with dementia to concentrate. It may be necessary to hide objects that pose a safety risk, such as knives and car keys.

Simplifying tasks. Breaking down daily tasks into smaller steps can help reduce confusion in individuals with dementia, as structure and routine are helpful.

Preventing Dementia

Preventing dementia is difficult However, it’s worth considering the following tips to improve overall health:

  • Avoid smoking
  • Pay attention to your weight
  • Stay physically active
  • Eat a healthy diet
  • Keep your mind sharp by learning new hobbies, reading, or solving crossword puzzles
  • Engage in community activities

CBD Oil for Dementia: Still Under Research

In recent years, there has been increasing research on symptoms associated with dementia, such as insomnia and anxiety.

  • A study published in June 2021 explored the possibilities and limitations of using cannabinoids for Alzheimer’s disease.
  • Another study published in 2017 in the Frontiers in Pharmacology journal presented interesting details that show a positive outcome of using CBD for dementia.


Numerous studies like the ones mentioned above are currently being conducted regarding CBD, investigating its positive effects. 

How USA Medical CBD Helps With Dementia

At USA Medical, we offer lab-tested and certified CBD products that has benefits for individuals with dementia. While research in this area is still ongoing, some studies show that CBD can positively affect certain symptoms associated with dementia. Here are a few ways our CBD products can help:

  • Reduces anxiety and agitation: CBD has potential calming properties that may help alleviate feelings of anxiety and agitation commonly experienced by individuals with dementia.
  • Improves sleep disturbances: CBD has shown promise in promoting better sleep by regulating sleep patterns and improving sleep quality, which could benefit those with dementia who struggle with insomnia and other sleep issues.
  • Has neuroprotective effects: Research shows that CBD can protect brain cells from damage and degeneration, potentially slowing down the decline of cognitive function associated with dementia.
  • Reduces inflammation and oxidative stress: CBD has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that can help reduce inflammation and oxidative stress in the brain, which are believed to contribute to the development and progression of dementia.

At USA Medical, we prioritize quality and safety. Our CBD products undergo rigorous testing and certification processes to ensure purity and consistency. 

For more information about our lab-tested and certified CBD products, please visit our website or contact our customer support team!

Picture of Jake Crossman

Jake Crossman

My name is Jake. I'm a certified health coach, accredited nutritionist, and I want to make health easier for everyone.

We have the 'most advanced healthcare' in history, yet millions are still sick and on more medication than ever. My goal is to make holistic health more achievable for everybody.

I read all comments, so please let me know what you think!

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These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. USA Medical products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Please consult with a healthcare professional before use.

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