What is CBG? Cannabigerol and Its Uses

By Jake Crossman (CNC-NASM), Nutrition Specialist; Holistic Health Coach; Managing Partner, USA Medical

what is cbg?

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Various medicinal uses of the different natural compounds found in both hemp and marijuana plants have been around for centuries! They are proven to be effective in treating many different medical conditions.

Even though CBD products have been the go-to choice for many years, now there’s a new player in town: enter CBG! CBG, short for cannabigerol, is another cannabinoid like CBD found in the hemp plant. So, what’s the deal with this newcomer, and is this town big enough for both of them? Let’s find out!

What is CBG?

Let’s start with what you probably already know: CBD. CBD, also known as cannabidiol, is a well-known natural compound found in both hemp and marijuana plants. It’s been used for some time to treat a wide range of medical conditions, from anxiety to sleep disorders. Even though the chemical structure of cannabigerol (CBG) is almost identical to CBD with a few minor differences, the two cannabinoids aren’t twins.

What is CBG, then? CBG, or cannabigerol, is the mother cannabinoid of CBD.

More accurately, CBGA, the acidic form of cannabigerol, is the precursor cannabinoid to many other cannabinoids, for that matter, but what is a precursor cannabinoid exactly?

A precursor cannabinoid is a cannabinoid that can be changed into other essential compounds. In this case, hemp plants use “enzymatic reactions” to convert CBGA into other compounds such as CBD, CBN, and THC, the compound that causes the psychoactive phenomenon known as a “high.”

So, it’s no surprise that young hemp plants contain more CBG than older ones since the young plants aren’t mature enough to convert it into other compounds.

What is CBG used for?

Since cannabigerol (CBG) and cannabidiol (CBD) are very similar in terms of their compositions, they bind to the same cannabinoid receptors in your brain and body – known as CB1 and CB2 receptors.

This influences how anandamide, a special neurotransmitter in your brain, affects your neural networks. Even though neither CBD nor CBG are psychoactive, which means they can’t get you “high,” they both have qualities that can help treat certain medical conditions!

But what is CBG typically used for? Research has shown that CBG Oil can help to treat a wide range of medical conditions and alleviate several symptoms, specifically:

● Relieve Inflammation in Your Brain & Body

● Relieve Symptoms of Anxiety & Stress

● Relieve & Sooth Chronic Pain

● Alleviate Symptoms of Diseases like Huntington’s, Glaucoma, and Chron’s 

● Treat and Relieve Fibromyalgia Pain

● Treat Inflammatory Bowel Diseases (IBD)

There are not enough studies to settle the CBG vs CBD debate.

New Research on CBG

Due to its relatively short history, reliable research on the effects, applications, and potential risks of CBG is limited.

The FDA, the American Food and Drug Administration, has yet to set any regulations for CBG or CBD products.

Even though there have been some studies on humans, the sample sizes of studies on humans are small and currently inconclusive.

However, the inconclusive results of all these studies are incredible! From powerful inflammation reduction to improved metabolism, CBG is known to offer incredible benefits to both your brain and body!

As a result, most experts believe that it will be a long time before we really understand how cannabigerol works, but that’s okay! CBG is already working wonders in the lives of those who use it.

As more scientific studies are conducted, we will see the proof for all the benefits we already know are true: inflammation relief, pain relief, anxiety relief, and a total boost to your energy, focus, and overall health!

CBG Oil: How to Take CBG Oil?

When it comes to using cannabinoids, the “sublingual” or under-the-tongue method is simply the best.

Just like our CBD, CBG is best administered in the form of “sublingual” oil. While there are other types of CBG products available, like vapes and creams, the sublingual oil is unquestionably the best.

To take CBG, simply drop the oil under your tongue, let it sit and absorb for a few minutes, then swallow. It’s that simple!

What is CBG Good For (Based on Current Research)?

As current research is inconclusive, we cannot say it cures every condition right now, but the future looks bright!

To date, it seems that CBG is incredibly useful in treating several conditions and relieving their symptoms. The effects of each plant-based compound vary, especially when combined, so it’s worth trying them out if in search of the best solution to alleviate your symptoms.

Some of these conditions are inflammation, chronic pain, fibromyalgia, Chron’s disease, Huntington’s disease, glaucoma, IBD/IBS, and many other inflammatory conditions!

The Power of Combining CBG and CBD

Studies on CBD products have indicated that broad-spectrum variants tend to be the most effective in treating medical conditions since the various cannabinoids and terpenes in these products work together to enhance their benefits.

Because of these incredible results, USA Medical created a combined product containing CBG and CBD in a ratio of 1:1, along with a range of broad-spectrum components.

Are you looking for the best supplement in your medicine cabinet? Look no further than our 100% lab-tested and organic CBG Oil by USA Medical.

Ready to Shop CBG Oil? Click Here to Shop Now!

Picture of Jake Crossman

Jake Crossman

Jake loves health. He loves learning about the intricacies within the human body and rethinking what it means to be healthy.

Clearly something is wrong with our health - we have the most advanced 'healthcare' in history, yet millions still die from ancient diseases. Some at a higher rate than ever.

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These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. USA Medical products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Please consult with a healthcare professional before use.

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